At a glance

The following graphs give an overview of the regional and thematic trends of the government commitments at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD+25.

Global & Regional Trends

Commitments made by 137 Governments were analysed in relation with the priority themes of the IPPF Advocacy Common Agenda –Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Safe Abortion, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender Equality in the Political Architecture–. Trends have emerged demonstrating strong areas for targeted advocacy efforts for international and national levels.

Governments overwhelmingly supported the following thematic areas in the commitments they made: investing in young people’s sexual and reproductive health; the importance of improving data collection; tackling and eliminating gender-based violence as key to the realization of the ICPD agenda; the realization of gender equality, and specifically the integration of gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights into national political structures; and ensuring access to contraception, including for young people.

Furthermore, the gaps on commitments on safe abortion and comprehensive sexuality education need to be addressed by civil society to start the progressive realization of changes in policies and practices even in restrictive countries with smart and contextualized advocacy strategies.

The Nairobi Commitments are already a demonstration of governments’ political will to accelerate the implementation of the ICPD PoA and move the Agenda forward. To this end, regional trends can be used by civil society as an argument to demonstrate the need for coherence in addressing common themes at the regional level and changes at the country level.



This is a graphic.

The Americas



Arab World Region



East & South East Asia and Oceania



South Asia



Europe & Central Asia

Europe graph

Europe and central asia graph

Global Trends

UHC commitments per region

Abortion commitments per region

CSE commitments per region

SBGV commitments per region

SRHR commitments per region

Commitments on other themes per region